Actually, the power steering pump and alternator aren't the only things the crankshaft pulley drives. In reality, it balances the crankshaft in most types of automotive engines. Here's how to determine if yours is inadequate. It can often be challenging to identify the malfunctioning part because there are so many operating parts on and around the engine, and many symptoms can be caused by more than one item. When you have a defective crankshaft harmonic balancer or crankshaft pulley, that is the situation. We go over the function, placement, and warning signals of a damaged crankshaft pulley. Here's a quick rundown of the warning indicators. If you notice unfavourable engine vibrations, look online for car garages in Reading and arrange an appointment for your vehicle with a qualified technician immediately. The most common symptoms of a broken crankshaft pulley are engine vibration and irregular engine idle. If you're unlucky, it could also result in a fault...